If I don’t have morning erections, does that mean I will have problems with sex?
There are a couple of things to consider when it comes to morning erections and erectile dysfunction.
First, just because you don’t wake up with an erection doesn’t mean that you didn’t have one while you were sleeping, nor does it mean that you are incapable of getting an erection. Erections only occur during the REM phase of sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), so if you wake up in a different phase of sleep you will likely not notice an erection. This can also happen if you have difficulty sleeping and never reach REM phase OR if you have a medical condition like depression that disrupts your sleep cycle.
Second, the more likely indicator of erectile dysfunction is what happens when you are awake. If you are unable to achieve erections (either alone or with a partner) and do not notice morning erections, there may be something else going on and you should discuss with your doctor. However, if you just happen to not notice morning erections but can otherwise achieve an erection during the day, there’s less of a reason to be concerned. It’s more likely a reflection of your sleep pattern rather than your penis health.