Are carbs bad for you?

No!!! Like everything else, too many carbs are not good for you but they certainly have their health benefits.

Let’s start by clearing up what “carbs” actually are. Carbohydrates are a nutrient and a major source of energy for our bodies. They’re a family of foods that include starches, sugar and fiber. All of these foods have carbohydrates: rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, squash, peas, artichokes, beans, lentils, cantaloupe, bananas, almonds and a Starbucks venti caramel Frappuccino.

Can you already see that some “carbs” are better for you than others? Here’s the deal. Carbohydrates are not the enemy. They have an important place in a healthy, well-rounded diet. (We’ll be discussing the benefits of fiber another day...) Just follow the “everything in moderation” motto and keep your daily “added sugar” intake around 25g. (Natural sugars in foods like fruits and vegetables don’t count toward this value. See the section on reading a nutrition label under the tools section for more information.)


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