What does an STI look like or feel like? How do I know if I have one?
To keep it simple, you might never know if you have an STI (sexually transmitted infection). There are many STIs out there (gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts, trichomoniasis, HIV...) that can be transmitted in a variety of ways (orally, vaginally, anally). Many people have symptoms (below) but many do not. For that reason it’s really important that you get testing regularly as recommended by the CDC (previously posted).
For ladies, symptoms might include abnormal vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal odor, pain with sex, pain with peeing, belly pain, genital rash, genital lesions, genital warts, painful swallowing or lesions in the mouth.
For guys, symptoms might include discharge from the penis, pain with peeing, pain in the testicles, genital rash, genital lesions, genital warts, pain with swallowing or lesions in the mouth.
Or symptoms might include...none at all! So get tested.