Are there benefits to not masturbating?

There is a lot of information out there about the pros and cons of masturbating. However, the fact is that the impact of abstaining from masturbation is different from person to person. Some people who decide to not masturbate for long periods of time report experiencing increased happiness, less anxiety, improved concentration and more energy. But it’s important to point out that others feel the opposite effects.

On the flip side, some people who engage in regular masturbation report feeling increased happiness, less anxiety, improved concentration and more energy…the same symptoms as not masturbating! And from a medical perspective, we have zero evidence that masturbation is harmful when done appropriately (ie, not in public and to a degree that doesn’t interfere with other forms of intimacy). The point is that you need to find whatever feels right for you. Don’t masturbate, masturbate every once in a while, or masturbate daily. It’s up to you!


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