All about condoms
Beginner’s guide
Condoms don’t have to be annoying! When used correctly, they can not only protect against STIs and pregnancy, but they can make sex and intimacy more fun! Oral sex? Try a flavored condom. Orgasming too quickly? Try a thicker condom! Want to enhance your partner’s experience? Try a textured condom!
If you’re new to condoms, it’s best to focus on finding the right fit and material first, then start branching out. Check out this beginner’s guide to finding the best condom for you.
What does “snug fit” mean? I tried one but it was uncomfortable and left red rings on my penis.
Great question. Snug fit basically means small. It DOESN’T mean that it’s supposed to be tight. For you, I would take a step back and get your measurements: length and girth. Then look on some condom websites to find the right size for you. I like this comprehensive condom chart, but if you don’t find what you’re looking for check out ONE condoms — it’s a custom condom store!)
Important points
As with most birth control methods, their efficacy is dependent on how appropriately you use them. Selecting the correct size is the first step, but there are a few other key points regarding proper condom use:
Never double up. This can cause friction and condoms can split/break.
Never use oil-based lubricants. Instead, stick with water-based (or silicone for sensitive skin). See recipe below for your own homemade lube!
Remove carefully. Hold condom around the base of the penis and pull out. You can then take off and throw away the condom in the bathroom.
My penis is too long/too wide to fit into normal Trojan Magnum condoms. Any advice?
Yes! Check out Durex, Glyde and Naked Luxury condoms – all make condoms for “well-endowed” individuals. You may also want to check out ONE condoms at It’s a custom condom store!
Foreskin basics
Sometimes the foreskin isn’t completely retracted or tight when erect, and that’s okay. One thing you can try is adding some extra lube to your penis and actually rubbing the condom up and down a couple of times (once it’s on) to get your foreskin up INTO the condom. The lube will allow for easier movement of the foreskin under the condom and should help prevent crumpling/bunching.
It may also help to find a condom that is a little wider at the tip. This will facilitate more comfortable movement of your foreskin.