My anxiety is so bad that I miss a lot of school and don't have any friends. I don't know what to do.
Anxiety is so much more than nerves or stress. If you have an anxiety disorder it can truly interfere with your life and your livelihood. The recommendations for how to help someone with anxiety really vary from person to person, but I’ll outline some of the basics.
For most anxiety conditions there is a specific type of therapy that can help with symptoms. It’s called CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy. In a nutshell it helps you identify things that cause your anxiety to worsen and trains you to think through them in the moment, hopefully reducing your anxiety flare. If you don’t have easy access to a therapist that is trained in CBT (it can often take months to get in to see someone) I recommend considering virtual tools or books. There are also some CBT apps that are incredibly helpful (like this). If you want more recommendations specific to your needs let me know.
There are also medications that can help with anxiety disorders. In young people we typically start with an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or an SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) taken on a daily basis. There are other options to consider if these do not work, but SSRIs and SNRIs are the most studied and have been found to be the most beneficial medications for adolescent anxiety disorders.
Supplements and natural remedies can be helpful but generally do not fully treat an anxiety disorder. Chamomile teas, lavender-scented air fresheners and meditation are a few examples of things that you may want to try to help with relaxation and calming the mind.